
Cherry blossom trees by Deliso Hall

Style Guide

Crafting Consistency

This Style Guide has been prepared to provide consistency and clarity to the publications, periodicals, and website of Western New England University. These standards are recommended for all printed/web-based materials except those that are governed by specialized guidelines such as legal documents, research reports, journalistic material, charts and graphs, etc. If you have any questions, please call 413-796-2183.

Editor’s note: This new edition of the Western New England University Style Guide presents several guidelines that depart from previous editions. While most changes reflect the reliance upon the 56th edition of The Associated Press Stylebook and the 5th edition of Webster’s New World College Dictionary, the changes listed below are particularly worthy of note due to their frequency of use or deviation from the AP Stylebook. The Western New England University Style Guide represents the institution’s own house rules that should take precedence over these publications.

  • Building and name changes:
    • Alumni Healthful Living Center has become Anthony S. Caprio Alumni Healthful Living Center
    • Center for Health and Wellness has become Center for Health and Well-Being
    • Student Affairs has become Student Life
  • Capitalize academic departments, areas of study, and courses. Capitalize the word following the hyphen in a hyphenated area of study, e.g., Pre-Optometry.
  • Capitalize formal titles when they directly precede a name. Lowercase otherwise.
  • Continue use of the serial, or Oxford, comma.
  • Use gender-inclusive pronouns they/them/theirs in general reference to students, faculty, and staff.

Style Guide