
University News

Creative Writing Seminar to be Held on April 27

Published: March 21, 2019 | Categories: All News, Arts and Sciences
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The University will host "Subject-Verb-Explosion! Reading, Writing, and Teaching the YA Novel" a one-day creative writing seminar as part of the University's Write Here, Write Now seminar series. The seminar will be held on Saturday, April 27 from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. in the Center for Sciences and Pharmacy on the Western New England University campus and is inspired by Corinne Duyvis, author of the novel On the Edge of Gone, who says "Every sentence needs a subject, verb, and an explosion."

The seminar is intended for teachers, aspiring writers, and fans of Young Adult (YA) literature. The morning session will center on a workshop of 5-10 pages of the participant's writing (which does not have to be YA). The afternoon will feature a discussion of teaching, and reading the YA novel followed by a reading by award-winning YA author, Melissa Volker, who will then discuss writing for the YA audience and answer questions.

"This is an opportunity to come to campus to get a sense of the University's warm and engaging community, while learning about Western New England University's MFA in Creative Writing and MA in English for Teachers programs," says Stephanie Wardrop, Graduate Program Director at Western New England University.

The cost of the seminar is $90.00 for a full day and includes lunch or $45.00 for a half day. For more information and to register, visit wne.edu/mfa, or email stephanie.wardrop@wne.edu.