
University News

CISB "For the Love of the Games" Speaker Draws Full House

Published: April 17, 2019 | Categories: All News, Business

Western New England University recently hosted retired University of New Hampshire kinesiology professor and acclaimed author, Steve Hardy, who spoke in front of a packed room of attentive students in CSP 400 about the global history of hockey as part of the CISB's "For the Love of the Games" series.

Hardy, along with co-author Andrew Holman, spent years researching and writing a definitive history of the sport in their new book, "Hockey, A Global History" (University of Illinois Press, 2018). An aspect of Hardy's talk was the tragedy he and his wife, Donna, endured over the loss of two of their sons, one to brain cancer while still in high school and the other a Navy SEAL who died in combat in Iraq. In closing, Hardy took a cue from his personal hardship to encourage students to persevere and be resilient in the face of adversity.

Hardy's appearance was arranged by Dr. Dan Covell, who moderated the program and who also collaborated with him previously on several research projects. The event, attended by about a hundred students, faculty, staff, and alumni, was sponsored by the Western New England University Alumni Association.